Submission "Camera Stories"

Mistakes can be beautiful

When I started taking photography, I didn't like it. So my professor said I should go with the analog camera so I did and fallen in love with it. My first one was Practica.
In that period Lomography showed up. Since I was still at school I worked hard to buy my self Diana F+. That whole summer I was picking special moments to take photos with it.
The White Stairs were the last one an the only one that survived my adventure. I had only 3 slots empty and decided to go for a long walk in my new neighborhood on a sunny day. I saw these long stairs, and said why not, they had an interesting shadow light game playing. But I guess the sun hit my head and my Diana fell down and opened. The entire film whipped out in one moment beside The White Stairs. They got burned by the sun, and are sort of are a ghost memory of 2008 adventure.

Mistakes can be beautiful

When I started taking photography, I didn’t like it. So my professor said I should go with the analog camera so I did and fallen in love with it. My first one was Practica.
In that period Lomography showed up. Since I was still at school I worked hard to buy my self Diana F+. That whole summer I was picking special moments to take photos with it.
The White Stairs were the last one an the only one that survived my adventure. I had only 3 slots empty and decided to go for a long walk in my new neighborhood on a sunny day. I saw these long stairs, and said why not, they had an interesting shadow light game playing. But I guess the sun hit my head and my Diana fell down and opened. The entire film whipped out in one moment beside The White Stairs. They got burned by the sun, and are sort of are a ghost memory of 2008 adventure.