Turning to the beauty of everyday things and the method of multi-exposure the author creates complex images where a poetic subject is in a variety of hypostases at the same time. A static thing multiplied by itself just like a repeatedly recurring word has a hypnotic effect and generates an impulse to search for the solution of the visual rebus. Wandering through this labyrinth the look of the beholder overcomes the distance from the surreal mystery of intertwined lines to the self-sufficient image of the object. Here everyone has the opportunity to see something of their own, whether these are imposed by society ideas about things or a marginal fantasy.Their endless unfolding and the incessant metamorphosis take place right before the eyes of the viewer. Right now – you are part of it and its author. Look for it.
07.12.17 — Saveliy Harlamov
Turning to the beauty of everyday things and the method of multi-exposure the author creates complex images where a poetic subject is in a variety of hypostases at the same time. A static thing multiplied by itself just like a repeatedly recurring word has a hypnotic effect and generates an impulse to search for the solution of the visual rebus. Wandering through this labyrinth the look of the beholder overcomes the distance from the surreal mystery of intertwined lines to the self-sufficient image of the object. Here everyone has the opportunity to see something of their own, whether these are imposed by society ideas about things or a marginal fantasy.Their endless unfolding and the incessant metamorphosis take place right before the eyes of the viewer. Right now – you are part of it and its author. Look for it.