
Megalopolitan Robinson Crusoe

I Live in London. I don't talk to anyone for weeks, sometimes months. The western world is already atomized - might as well go with the flow.
It feels a little strange doing photomontage in the age of AI. I don't want to do over-polished fantasy art. Nor do I want to make glitchy looking collages. I rest somewhere in between surrealism and situationism. Punk cut and paste with detailed digital painting. I take an average of a week to finish each piece, then live with it for another week, while I make corrections.
I have the firm belief that the world is created anew - each and every day. Our sense of reality depends on getting up, pressing a switch, and the lights coming on.
That may change in the near future. Perhaps sooner than we think.

Megalopolitan Robinson Crusoe

I Live in London. I don’t talk to anyone for weeks, sometimes months. The western world is already atomized – might as well go with the flow.
It feels a little strange doing photomontage in the age of AI. I don’t want to do over-polished fantasy art. Nor do I want to make glitchy looking collages. I rest somewhere in between surrealism and situationism. Punk cut and paste with detailed digital painting. I take an average of a week to finish each piece, then live with it for another week, while I make corrections.
I have the firm belief that the world is created anew – each and every day. Our sense of reality depends on getting up, pressing a switch, and the lights coming on.
That may change in the near future. Perhaps sooner than we think.

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