Submission Sculpture


My name is Lara Heine. I escaped NYC at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and am now based in Texas.
My primary body of work is a series of knitted masks incorporating different materials, from cassette tape to beetle wings. Each mask represents a different story and emotion which the viewer can embody.
Knitting is one of the most important things I do to maintain my mental health. I am currently knitting to cope with impending Texas laws that will make my body more regulated than women in any other "developed" nation.
Each mask is imbued with the effort it took to address my anxiety. In the midst of the loneliest moment in human history, these artifacts represent an openness to vulnerability and communication that is sorely needed in American culture. When you put on one of my masks, you can learn how to take off yours.


My name is Lara Heine. I escaped NYC at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and am now based in Texas.
My primary body of work is a series of knitted masks incorporating different materials, from cassette tape to beetle wings. Each mask represents a different story and emotion which the viewer can embody.
Knitting is one of the most important things I do to maintain my mental health. I am currently knitting to cope with impending Texas laws that will make my body more regulated than women in any other “developed” nation.
Each mask is imbued with the effort it took to address my anxiety. In the midst of the loneliest moment in human history, these artifacts represent an openness to vulnerability and communication that is sorely needed in American culture. When you put on one of my masks, you can learn how to take off yours.