Submission Drawing

Maps As Art | A Reminder of Home. A New Chicago Neighborhood Series

Jennifer Carland was born in 1980 and currently lives in Chicago IL. In 2007 she received her MFA but went back to school to study Urban Planning. Her planning classes fueled her imagination and she began to draw the neighborhoods she was familiar with. Her artwork illustrates local neighborhoods as well as broad city views of various places in the world. She believes maps hold "invisible" information- they contain stories and memories that were created by the people who lived and visited there. Her goal is to make illustrated reminders of the places people identify with- such as the town they lived in as a child, or the place where they got married. Everyone loves to talk about where live, where they have visited, and where they want to go next.

Maps As Art | A Reminder of Home. A New Chicago Neighborhood Series

Jennifer Carland was born in 1980 and currently lives in Chicago IL. In 2007 she received her MFA but went back to school to study Urban Planning. Her planning classes fueled her imagination and she began to draw the neighborhoods she was familiar with. Her artwork illustrates local neighborhoods as well as broad city views of various places in the world. She believes maps hold “invisible” information- they contain stories and memories that were created by the people who lived and visited there. Her goal is to make illustrated reminders of the places people identify with- such as the town they lived in as a child, or the place where they got married. Everyone loves to talk about where live, where they have visited, and where they want to go next.