Submission Collage

Magda Malkoun, My City Portraits

My work explores the psychology behind the conflicts and the bonds one creates with the places, events and faces encountered while in displacement. Studying what makes us who we are and how nations thrive or fail leaving only a sense of decadence and the chance of a new reality. What starts out as destructive soon becomes rousing into a manifesto of hope and growth, leaving a sense of perspective and an inevitability of a new order. My recent work is inspired by Beirut, a city that has been destroyed and rebuilt many times over the past decades. The resilience of the city reminds me of the resilience of women which was my main inspiration. My series focuses on the lessons we learn from the journeys we had to take. It is a call to embrace our past and our roots and long for a better future.

Magda Malkoun, My City Portraits

My work explores the psychology behind the conflicts and the bonds one creates with the places, events and faces encountered while in displacement. Studying what makes us who we are and how nations thrive or fail leaving only a sense of decadence and the chance of a new reality. What starts out as destructive soon becomes rousing into a manifesto of hope and growth, leaving a sense of perspective and an inevitability of a new order. My recent work is inspired by Beirut, a city that has been destroyed and rebuilt many times over the past decades. The resilience of the city reminds me of the resilience of women which was my main inspiration. My series focuses on the lessons we learn from the journeys we had to take. It is a call to embrace our past and our roots and long for a better future.

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