
Lord of the Flies

Day 3 of quarantine: COVID-19 was spreading rapidly throughout the United States, residents were asked to stay indoors in attempt to contain the virus and the only safe places to visit were beaches and parks. So, on my third day of quarantine I visited Point Dume in Malibu California in attempt to safely get a taste of what was going on out in the real world. Come to find the kids had taken over the beach completely, they had run amuck and there was no stopping them. I documented what I could..

Lord of the Flies

Day 3 of quarantine: COVID-19 was spreading rapidly throughout the United States, residents were asked to stay indoors in attempt to contain the virus and the only safe places to visit were beaches and parks. So, on my third day of quarantine I visited Point Dume in Malibu California in attempt to safely get a taste of what was going on out in the real world. Come to find the kids had taken over the beach completely, they had run amuck and there was no stopping them. I documented what I could..