Submission Painting

Living Around the World

Originally from Virginia, Elizabeth Zans left the US to teach overseas 10 years ago after 12 years in New York City. Her work is a personal diary of experiences she had living in Morocco, Egypt, Kenya, Indonesia and now Lesvos. She has received grants and awards from The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, La Friche belle du Mai, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and Change Inc.
Her work has been represented by Kathleen Cullen Gallery in NYC.

Living Around the World

Originally from Virginia, Elizabeth Zans left the US to teach overseas 10 years ago after 12 years in New York City. Her work is a personal diary of experiences she had living in Morocco, Egypt, Kenya, Indonesia and now Lesvos. She has received grants and awards from The Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, La Friche belle du Mai, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and Change Inc.
Her work has been represented by Kathleen Cullen Gallery in NYC.