Submission Drawing

Lines N Shit

We go through our daily routine, seeing face after face, and I find it fascinating to contemplate what a person is like just by looking at them. I give them a backstory in my mind and based on the relationship of their visual and my imagination, I create my caricatures.

I decided to draw whoever sat across from me on my 45 minute commute in NYC with ink and graphite, on painted wood blocks. My hope with this series of 99 drawings is to have people relate to the faces, feel the personality of the joe schmo I chose, and maybe even feel like they’ve seen them in their life.

Lines N Shit

We go through our daily routine, seeing face after face, and I find it fascinating to contemplate what a person is like just by looking at them. I give them a backstory in my mind and based on the relationship of their visual and my imagination, I create my caricatures.

I decided to draw whoever sat across from me on my 45 minute commute in NYC with ink and graphite, on painted wood blocks. My hope with this series of 99 drawings is to have people relate to the faces, feel the personality of the joe schmo I chose, and maybe even feel like they’ve seen them in their life.