“Limb” is a series of self-portrait images that create a space between the binary of wilderness and culture. The title of the series speaks to this sentiment as a word that exists fluidly between these constructed categories, it being used to describe both a tree branch and the arm of a human. Rather than a call for humanities return to wilderness, bright flashes merge both human figure and nature object together in unexpected swaths of color, hybridizing wilderness and culture together. With the camera as the only audience, each image highlights a solitary performance in which the artist interacts with his surroundings. The self-portrait process inducing a state of flow and ironic lack of self-awareness, the photographs capture both the erotic and playful wildness of human-nature interactions.



“Limb” is a series of self-portrait images that create a space between the binary of wilderness and culture. The title of the series speaks to this sentiment as a word that exists fluidly between these constructed categories, it being used to describe both a tree branch and the arm of a human. Rather than a call for humanities return to wilderness, bright flashes merge both human figure and nature object together in unexpected swaths of color, hybridizing wilderness and culture together. With the camera as the only audience, each image highlights a solitary performance in which the artist interacts with his surroundings. The self-portrait process inducing a state of flow and ironic lack of self-awareness, the photographs capture both the erotic and playful wildness of human-nature interactions.