Submission Photography

Lady Pink Sexy

Series featuring Luchador 'Lady Pink Sexy' in Tulum, Mexico. As a member of a local taxi driver wrestling league, Lady Pink played the role of the effeminate antagonizer, dressing in colourful wigs, makeup, and sparkled, bedazzled and tasseled outfits. In Mexican wrestling, to be unmasked is the product of losing the most serious wager in Lucha Libre, resulting in the wrestler being exposed for the first time, revealing their identities and ultimately retiring the mask. Lady pink would not reveal her face to the camera, but was always ready to put on a show and play for the camera. Photographed with Ahorita films while filming their documentary on the wrestlers life.

Lady Pink Sexy

Series featuring Luchador ‘Lady Pink Sexy’ in Tulum, Mexico. As a member of a local taxi driver wrestling league, Lady Pink played the role of the effeminate antagonizer, dressing in colourful wigs, makeup, and sparkled, bedazzled and tasseled outfits. In Mexican wrestling, to be unmasked is the product of losing the most serious wager in Lucha Libre, resulting in the wrestler being exposed for the first time, revealing their identities and ultimately retiring the mask. Lady pink would not reveal her face to the camera, but was always ready to put on a show and play for the camera. Photographed with Ahorita films while filming their documentary on the wrestlers life.

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