Submission Photography

la Part des Choses

Photographs of items from the world of dining, appreciated as witnesses and participants in these moments of life.
This series recounts the universal experience of gregarious gathering over dinner or a drink, and develops a tension between the inanimate and the transient, multiple and perpetual nature of the human condition.
The tools, highlighted, recall their users, evoke memories and imply a lively, animated atmosphere, while the characters are treated in a secondary manner: we see only reflected silhouettes, like spectres with imprecise and elusive identities.

la Part des Choses

Photographs of items from the world of dining, appreciated as witnesses and participants in these moments of life.
This series recounts the universal experience of gregarious gathering over dinner or a drink, and develops a tension between the inanimate and the transient, multiple and perpetual nature of the human condition.
The tools, highlighted, recall their users, evoke memories and imply a lively, animated atmosphere, while the characters are treated in a secondary manner: we see only reflected silhouettes, like spectres with imprecise and elusive identities.

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