I WAS BORN IN CUNNAMULLA SOUTH WESTERN QUEENSLAND and part of THIS TRIBE Maranoa Charlie, Kunja Elder, King of Tinnenburra, 1910. Queensland which is part of my heritage of my ABORIGINAL RACE HENCE KUNJA WILDLIFE ART The word ‘Cunnamulla’ means ‘long stretch of water’ or ‘big waterhole’ in the language of the Kunja (Koun-yah) people. Historical research indicates that the Kunja people originally occupied this region prior to first contact with Europeans so this verifies me to do ABORIGINAL ART and Australiana ARTThe Cunnamulla Aboriginal culture includes five different tribes that are made up of Kunja people, who are the traditional owners of the Cunnamulla area Kooma, Budjiti, Mardigan, and Kullilli people. CUNNAMULLA YUMBA/Kelly /THE CUNNAMULLA YUMBA /


I WAS BORN IN CUNNAMULLA SOUTH WESTERN QUEENSLAND and part of THIS TRIBE Maranoa Charlie, Kunja Elder, King of Tinnenburra, 1910. Queensland which is part of my heritage of my ABORIGINAL RACE HENCE KUNJA WILDLIFE ART The word ‘Cunnamulla’ means ‘long stretch of water’ or ‘big waterhole’ in the language of the Kunja (Koun-yah) people. Historical research indicates that the Kunja people originally occupied this region prior to first contact with Europeans so this verifies me to do ABORIGINAL ART and Australiana ARTThe Cunnamulla Aboriginal culture includes five different tribes that are made up of Kunja people, who are the traditional owners of the Cunnamulla area Kooma, Budjiti, Mardigan, and Kullilli people. CUNNAMULLA YUMBA/Kelly /THE CUNNAMULLA YUMBA /