I am exploring my family’s involvement in underground movements against occupations and their eventual withdrawal from society due to these political activities. The series Krotoszyce depicts the current condition of our ancestral home in south-west Poland. All blueprints and official documents for the house were destroyed, but the architecture and interior reveal traces of the area's political history and occupations. This house embodies the principle that a place’s construction corresponds to and reflects its time, and that a home, Wladyslaw's home, also gives way to the interior and condition of the owner. Analogue film is vital in supporting the ephemeral nature of these stories but also underlines the fragility and impermanence of the house, its documents, and lives of the occupants.
03.08.22 — Annahita_Brooks
I am exploring my family’s involvement in underground movements against occupations and their eventual withdrawal from society due to these political activities. The series Krotoszyce depicts the current condition of our ancestral home in south-west Poland. All blueprints and official documents for the house were destroyed, but the architecture and interior reveal traces of the area’s political history and occupations. This house embodies the principle that a place’s construction corresponds to and reflects its time, and that a home, Wladyslaw’s home, also gives way to the interior and condition of the owner. Analogue film is vital in supporting the ephemeral nature of these stories but also underlines the fragility and impermanence of the house, its documents, and lives of the occupants.