
Ketchup BlowUp

Blow-up is not only the expression of the enlargement process of a photography, is also a reference to Michelangelo Antonioni' film "Blowup" which debated the question of personal involvement in a word of synthetic stimulus where the feelings are fading to the personal appearances. Ketchup is a popular reference for the fake blood in movies.

In that way, the instant photography series "Ketchup BlowUp" brings to the viewer the question of how do we relate violence and aesthetic in this post-modern world.

Ketchup BlowUp

Blow-up is not only the expression of the enlargement process of a photography, is also a reference to Michelangelo Antonioni’ film “Blowup” which debated the question of personal involvement in a word of synthetic stimulus where the feelings are fading to the personal appearances. Ketchup is a popular reference for the fake blood in movies.

In that way, the instant photography series “Ketchup BlowUp” brings to the viewer the question of how do we relate violence and aesthetic in this post-modern world.

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