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it’s monday 7:49 and I don’t know what to do

Olga Wysopa, 26, I was born in Krakow, Poland where I still live and work. In my work I'm searching harmony between light and place, light and people, dream and reality. Personal experience is the foundation of my work. English word 'glance' means a brief or hurried look and a flash or gleam of light - it describes my works the best way.

it’s monday 7:49 and I don’t know what to do

Olga Wysopa, 26, I was born in Krakow, Poland where I still live and work. In my work I’m searching harmony between light and place, light and people, dream and reality. Personal experience is the foundation of my work. English word ‘glance’ means a brief or hurried look and a flash or gleam of light – it describes my works the best way.