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Intricate Studies

As a collage artist I am inspired by discarded ephemera. I am consistently intrigued by how the intricate physical act of cutting visual elements away from their original setting - and then placing them in a different, considered context - can create a whole new narrative and theme.

Through my Intricate Studies series, I wanted to explore aspects of strength and fragility in both the natural and the manmade world. The choice of materials and imagery is symbolically charged. The contrast of fragmented and reorganised machine elements against the delicate layering of pressed flowers speaks of both the limitations of the mechanical and the vulnerability of the natural form.

Intricate Studies

As a collage artist I am inspired by discarded ephemera. I am consistently intrigued by how the intricate physical act of cutting visual elements away from their original setting – and then placing them in a different, considered context – can create a whole new narrative and theme.

Through my Intricate Studies series, I wanted to explore aspects of strength and fragility in both the natural and the manmade world. The choice of materials and imagery is symbolically charged. The contrast of fragmented and reorganised machine elements against the delicate layering of pressed flowers speaks of both the limitations of the mechanical and the vulnerability of the natural form.