Submission Drawing

Intricate ecosystems – Anais LERA

Over the past year, I have started an evolving collection titled “1 Gram of EARTH”. A tribute to Earth beauty and diversity. Like a scientific explorer, sampling and collecting, I use drawing as a tool for research, discovery and appropriation of nature. Inspired by textures, shapes, colors and materials, I capture, trace, stylize and develop a large vocabulary of elements. I create circular intricate luxuriant composition, reminiscent the shape of a cell, an atom and a mandala. Connecting science, art and meditative contemplation.
Formed from the accumulation of meticulously detailed elements, each piece is an ecosystem cultivated with harmony. I playfully create a rich, colorful, evolutive collection and respond to a simple need that animates me deeply: reconnecting with the living by expressing my fascination for its beauty.

Intricate ecosystems – Anais LERA

Over the past year, I have started an evolving collection titled “1 Gram of EARTH”. A tribute to Earth beauty and diversity. Like a scientific explorer, sampling and collecting, I use drawing as a tool for research, discovery and appropriation of nature. Inspired by textures, shapes, colors and materials, I capture, trace, stylize and develop a large vocabulary of elements. I create circular intricate luxuriant composition, reminiscent the shape of a cell, an atom and a mandala. Connecting science, art and meditative contemplation.
Formed from the accumulation of meticulously detailed elements, each piece is an ecosystem cultivated with harmony. I playfully create a rich, colorful, evolutive collection and respond to a simple need that animates me deeply: reconnecting with the living by expressing my fascination for its beauty.