Submission Drawing


Lately I have been trying to develop a body of work that revolves around the struggle we experience as individuals in this modern technological era which has dramatically change the way in which our society works and has made each of us feel uneasy and threatened. The development in certain technological areas like say social media or virtual reality have triggered the creation of a mirror that reflects the mechanics of our society in such a clear way that is almost impossible to avoid noticing. This phenomenon has threaten reality as we know it from the ground up and coping with it has left many of us in a state of confusion which is exciting at times and terrifying at others.


Lately I have been trying to develop a body of work that revolves around the struggle we experience as individuals in this modern technological era which has dramatically change the way in which our society works and has made each of us feel uneasy and threatened. The development in certain technological areas like say social media or virtual reality have triggered the creation of a mirror that reflects the mechanics of our society in such a clear way that is almost impossible to avoid noticing. This phenomenon has threaten reality as we know it from the ground up and coping with it has left many of us in a state of confusion which is exciting at times and terrifying at others.