Submission Photography

Imagine, even the birds would disappear (2024)

“Imagine, even the birds would disappear” is a ongoing photographic exploration of the idea of ​​life in a world without people. Even as a teenager, this thought experiment had an enormous fascination for me. I loved stories in which the characters found themselves in such a world. To this day, this idea has lost none of its appeal.
At the same time, I wonder what it would really be like to have to live like that. To open my eyes one morning and hear nothing but my own breathing and the wind outside the window. How long would the supposed fascination with being completely alone last? What would such a life be like, in a world full of traces of vanished humanity?

Imagine, even the birds would disappear (2024)

“Imagine, even the birds would disappear” is a ongoing photographic exploration of the idea of ​​life in a world without people. Even as a teenager, this thought experiment had an enormous fascination for me. I loved stories in which the characters found themselves in such a world. To this day, this idea has lost none of its appeal.
At the same time, I wonder what it would really be like to have to live like that. To open my eyes one morning and hear nothing but my own breathing and the wind outside the window. How long would the supposed fascination with being completely alone last? What would such a life be like, in a world full of traces of vanished humanity?