

I’M SORRY, WE’RE SORRY is an apology. It’s from me to the African-American community for the indirect, unaware, and subconscious racism I’ve exhibited in my lifetime. I’M SORRY, WE’RE SORRY is meant to stir those sleeping through the subtle racism in or around them. It exhibits pseudo-sincere dealings with black brothers and sisters. It is a satire of sorrys and an accentuation of inauthentic tributes made. It is toxic colors and cheap materials. It is a reminder that before we can fix a problem, we must agree there is one. It is dead and bleeding organisms we find by the wayside, dress up, put a Band-Aid on, and tell to get better. I’M SORRY, WE’RE SORRY for so many things. This is not a finger-pointing, but an alarm.


I’M SORRY, WE’RE SORRY is an apology. It’s from me to the African-American community for the indirect, unaware, and subconscious racism I’ve exhibited in my lifetime. I’M SORRY, WE’RE SORRY is meant to stir those sleeping through the subtle racism in or around them. It exhibits pseudo-sincere dealings with black brothers and sisters. It is a satire of sorrys and an accentuation of inauthentic tributes made. It is toxic colors and cheap materials. It is a reminder that before we can fix a problem, we must agree there is one. It is dead and bleeding organisms we find by the wayside, dress up, put a Band-Aid on, and tell to get better. I’M SORRY, WE’RE SORRY for so many things. This is not a finger-pointing, but an alarm.