'I Wish I Could See You' explores the interplay of people and imagery by recontextualizing commercial images by stripping them of their intended purpose and providing an alternative narrative. I rephotograph and rearrange cut-out images from periodicals to allow new dialogues. Where viewers may have initially glanced over these types of images without digesting or wondering about the photos, I look to add new life to them. My work juxtaposes seemingly unrelated imagery with the intention of creating lines of communication between them. Instead of having a single commercial purpose, my collages intend to be interpreted in more than one way.
I Wish I Could See You
02.07.19 — JooeunBae
‘I Wish I Could See You’ explores the interplay of people and imagery by recontextualizing commercial images by stripping them of their intended purpose and providing an alternative narrative. I rephotograph and rearrange cut-out images from periodicals to allow new dialogues. Where viewers may have initially glanced over these types of images without digesting or wondering about the photos, I look to add new life to them. My work juxtaposes seemingly unrelated imagery with the intention of creating lines of communication between them. Instead of having a single commercial purpose, my collages intend to be interpreted in more than one way.
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