
“I print, therefore I am”

While I am in the studio, printing, the whole world is an open field of new ideas and material for the next piece I produce. As printmakers we marvel the colors that we transfigure to the canvas, the sharp lines, the precise strokes of the chisel, and that Is what makes us special. The ability to produce multiple pieces of that same marvelous idea that was running through our heads. Printmaking is fluent, everywhere, and will always remain to stay the ideal symbiosis of art and craftsmanship.

“I print, therefore I am”

While I am in the studio, printing, the whole world is an open field of new ideas and material for the next piece I produce. As printmakers we marvel the colors that we transfigure to the canvas, the sharp lines, the precise strokes of the chisel, and that Is what makes us special. The ability to produce multiple pieces of that same marvelous idea that was running through our heads. Printmaking is fluent, everywhere, and will always remain to stay the ideal symbiosis of art and craftsmanship.

Secret Email Club

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