Submission Photography

I Like Food Better Than People

The series “I Like Food Better Than People” is an ode to my love for photography and food. It’s a minimal study of shapes, colors and light based on a personal aesthetic. By controlling the image through composition and lighting I intend to transform the ordinary into an extraordinary expression of my inspiration and subsconscious. I focus on the relation between food and human beings, challenging the view that food is purely of nutritional value bringing it onto an artistic platform. I want to show you how an image of a tangerine can be pleasing simply for its aesthetic expressivity.

I Like Food Better Than People

The series “I Like Food Better Than People” is an ode to my love for photography and food. It’s a minimal study of shapes, colors and light based on a personal aesthetic. By controlling the image through composition and lighting I intend to transform the ordinary into an extraordinary expression of my inspiration and subsconscious. I focus on the relation between food and human beings, challenging the view that food is purely of nutritional value bringing it onto an artistic platform. I want to show you how an image of a tangerine can be pleasing simply for its aesthetic expressivity.