
I Know You’re Capable of Beautiful Intimacies

“I Know You're Capable of Beautiful Intimacies” is about an intimacy observed but not necessarily wanted. Taking its title from a personal conversation, the photography series conceptualizes the distance, freedom and comfort found in the everyday interactions of relationships, and explores the conversations we have around the 'nature' of our relationships.

The titular sentence can be perceived as a compliment at the first glance, but it in fact actually implies that the said intimacy is better off when it is not experienced personally, or from a careful distance with certain conditions. Such distance and comfort are achieved metaphorically and literally by displaying nature elements and the fragments of human skin one right after the other; and mimicking the hierarchy of the gazer and the observed.

I Know You’re Capable of Beautiful Intimacies

“I Know You’re Capable of Beautiful Intimacies” is about an intimacy observed but not necessarily wanted. Taking its title from a personal conversation, the photography series conceptualizes the distance, freedom and comfort found in the everyday interactions of relationships, and explores the conversations we have around the ‘nature’ of our relationships.

The titular sentence can be perceived as a compliment at the first glance, but it in fact actually implies that the said intimacy is better off when it is not experienced personally, or from a careful distance with certain conditions. Such distance and comfort are achieved metaphorically and literally by displaying nature elements and the fragments of human skin one right after the other; and mimicking the hierarchy of the gazer and the observed.