My mixed-media abstract art is fuelled by my memories and the emotions intertwined with those memories. These memories could be sparked by colours, shapes, smells, textures, even sounds. I find nature particularly inspiring: the exuberance of a spring sunset; the pungent scent of eucalyptus boughs; the gentle lapping of warm tropical waters... Sometimes it could just be a momentary, fleeting feeling.
I suppose like all art, at its very core, what I'm seeking to invoke is that very primal of things – especially in today’s fragmented world: a connection; a feeling of belonging. No doubt borne of my straddling of two homelands – India and the UK – one in which I was born and grew up; and one in which I’ve made my home and grown to love.
But like any connection, art can't be forced. It must be given space to grow and evolve.