My work is autobiographical, so I look around and explore whatever is happening in my life. The past year I painted a serie called “Greetings from the other side.” It was basically an attempt to understand and get to know myself again after becoming a mother. An experience that was (and is) as beautiful as it was disillusioning in terms of how little space there is for things like instinct in our society. Not being on social media allows me to look at things with “my own eyes”, unfiltered one could say. My educational background is in scenic painting, I have been working a lot with theatre and using that scenic sense is helpful and at the same time it can stand in the way for new approaches. I`m living and working in Norway, but originally I`m from Poland and grew up in Germany.
Greetings on the other side.
19.10.22 — Katharina Grodzki
My work is autobiographical, so I look around and explore whatever is happening in my life. The past year I painted a serie called “Greetings from the other side.” It was basically an attempt to understand and get to know myself again after becoming a mother. An experience that was (and is) as beautiful as it was disillusioning in terms of how little space there is for things like instinct in our society. Not being on social media allows me to look at things with “my own eyes”, unfiltered one could say. My educational background is in scenic painting, I have been working a lot with theatre and using that scenic sense is helpful and at the same time it can stand in the way for new approaches. I`m living and working in Norway, but originally I`m from Poland and grew up in Germany.