To capture the magical realism evoked during a 2014 performance of Shakespeare's The Tempest, I took this lo-res, high-saturation photograph of a fire breather hired as part of the pre-performance entertainment. The fire coming from the performer's mouth simultaneously focuses attention on the emitted light and obscures the performer's face to a degree that suggests face and fire are one and the same. The blurred reflection of the fire breather in the glass-encased entrance to the theater also suggests the possibility of being in two places at once or being two people at the same time.
Fire Breathing
13.06.18 — Oriana Gatta
To capture the magical realism evoked during a 2014 performance of Shakespeare’s The Tempest, I took this lo-res, high-saturation photograph of a fire breather hired as part of the pre-performance entertainment. The fire coming from the performer’s mouth simultaneously focuses attention on the emitted light and obscures the performer’s face to a degree that suggests face and fire are one and the same. The blurred reflection of the fire breather in the glass-encased entrance to the theater also suggests the possibility of being in two places at once or being two people at the same time.
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