Submission Painting

Figure Series 01-Conan Zhao

The objective being closer to a dialogue of colors, rather than abstract expressionism, I prefer a more free and intuitive approach to express the movement of human figures, especially ones in elaborate costumes of great cultural significance, ie. dancers, opera performers, athletes...etc. Contrary to many mainstream artists, I'm interested less in what they look like, how pretty the subject matter is, but more on what they are, what they do, and how I can best showcase where they come from in my own way. It comes from a restless side of me that likes adventure, enterprise, and taking risks.

Figure Series 01-Conan Zhao

The objective being closer to a dialogue of colors, rather than abstract expressionism, I prefer a more free and intuitive approach to express the movement of human figures, especially ones in elaborate costumes of great cultural significance, ie. dancers, opera performers, athletes…etc. Contrary to many mainstream artists, I’m interested less in what they look like, how pretty the subject matter is, but more on what they are, what they do, and how I can best showcase where they come from in my own way. It comes from a restless side of me that likes adventure, enterprise, and taking risks.

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