These paintings are part of a series consisting of portraits of animals that are often exploited by humans. I want to help provoke thought, conversation, and hopefully change and action in someone’s behavior. Almost everyone I meet thinks a pig, lamb, rabbit, etc. is “cute” “sweet” and so forth, yet many of these same individuals will not hesitate to make a bacon joke, wear animal products, eat animals, or purchase products tested on animals. While this may be an image of a “cute” animal, their lives are often anything but cute and sweet. I hope to provoke some kind of mental juxtaposition between cute and exploitation, causing individuals to examine their actions and purchases.
Exploitation Series
06.02.18 — Lisa Britton
These paintings are part of a series consisting of portraits of animals that are often exploited by humans. I want to help provoke thought, conversation, and hopefully change and action in someone’s behavior. Almost everyone I meet thinks a pig, lamb, rabbit, etc. is “cute” “sweet” and so forth, yet many of these same individuals will not hesitate to make a bacon joke, wear animal products, eat animals, or purchase products tested on animals. While this may be an image of a “cute” animal, their lives are often anything but cute and sweet. I hope to provoke some kind of mental juxtaposition between cute and exploitation, causing individuals to examine their actions and purchases.
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