
Eating Away

Subtly pulled towards food, consumption and survival, moving beyond its qualities of sustenance and nutrition Eating Away links foods relationship to mental and physical wellbeing, and the cycle of life and death. It aims to highlights the stigma surrounding depression in young men, and the obstacles that exist when finally, the time comes to speak out.

In contrast to ubiquitous fake, forged food imagery seen in advertising, designed to ignite the pleasure senses and sell unrealistic ideals of health and happiness, Eating Away is personal, challenging, difficult to digest. 

What started out as a painfully morbid experience is transformed thanks to the therapeutic power of photography and is now one of acceptance. Acceptance of the inevitability of death, and a quiet reminder that one day we all return back to the earth.

Eating Away

Subtly pulled towards food, consumption and survival, moving beyond its qualities of sustenance and nutrition Eating Away links foods relationship to mental and physical wellbeing, and the cycle of life and death. It aims to highlights the stigma surrounding depression in young men, and the obstacles that exist when finally, the time comes to speak out.

In contrast to ubiquitous fake, forged food imagery seen in advertising, designed to ignite the pleasure senses and sell unrealistic ideals of health and happiness, Eating Away is personal, challenging, difficult to digest. 

What started out as a painfully morbid experience is transformed thanks to the therapeutic power of photography and is now one of acceptance. Acceptance of the inevitability of death, and a quiet reminder that one day we all return back to the earth.