Submission Drawing


During the home isolation period required for epidemic prevention, Dawei Wang began a new artistic exploration based on literary works. He made a series of paper works with oil-colored pencils as the medium. The artist mentioned in his self-report: “When reading these literary works, the storyline overlaps and resonates with my real world. So I naturally started thinking image-based.” The content of this batch of works is derived from three books: Thomas Pynchon’s “V”, Denis Johnson’s “Jesus’ Son” and Kazuo Ishiguro’s “A Pale View of Hills”.


During the home isolation period required for epidemic prevention, Dawei Wang began a new artistic exploration based on literary works. He made a series of paper works with oil-colored pencils as the medium. The artist mentioned in his self-report: “When reading these literary works, the storyline overlaps and resonates with my real world. So I naturally started thinking image-based.” The content of this batch of works is derived from three books: Thomas Pynchon’s “V”, Denis Johnson’s “Jesus’ Son” and Kazuo Ishiguro’s “A Pale View of Hills”.

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