Submission Collage

Deterioration and Loss

This project is an examination of my concerns about my deterioration and my loss of that which is important to me as I age. I photograph arrangements of deteriorating structures and rearrange pieces of the images as a way to feel comfortable with my mortality. The photographs are cut into small rectangles that have the same aspect ratio as the originals, and most of the rectangles in the images are randomly rearranged creating a collage of the original image. The repeated rectangles suggest our finite lifetimes, and the ensuing chaos points to my anticipated afterlife. The destruction of the photograph by the oft overlooked discontinuity of the frame converts the oft expected immortality of its resemblance into a metaphor for our destruction and our loss.

Deterioration and Loss

This project is an examination of my concerns about my deterioration and my loss of that which is important to me as I age. I photograph arrangements of deteriorating structures and rearrange pieces of the images as a way to feel comfortable with my mortality. The photographs are cut into small rectangles that have the same aspect ratio as the originals, and most of the rectangles in the images are randomly rearranged creating a collage of the original image. The repeated rectangles suggest our finite lifetimes, and the ensuing chaos points to my anticipated afterlife. The destruction of the photograph by the oft overlooked discontinuity of the frame converts the oft expected immortality of its resemblance into a metaphor for our destruction and our loss.

Secret Email Club

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