
Contemporary penjing fantasies

I use the ancient Chinese art of penjing and Japanese bonsai, combined with urban decay and modernistic architecture to shape my dreamlike fantasies about the tension between the force of nature and our contemporary civilisation. My work is mostly about mankind in relation to nature. Being themselves part of nature, mankind struggles with the problems growing from our own overpopulation. But no matter what mess we make, nature seems to always find a way to overcome and adept to new circumstances.

Contemporary penjing fantasies

I use the ancient Chinese art of penjing and Japanese bonsai, combined with urban decay and modernistic architecture to shape my dreamlike fantasies about the tension between the force of nature and our contemporary civilisation. My work is mostly about mankind in relation to nature. Being themselves part of nature, mankind struggles with the problems growing from our own overpopulation. But no matter what mess we make, nature seems to always find a way to overcome and adept to new circumstances.

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