In this study, the covering of environments in a secondary material is about concealing an original form to raise the viewers interpretation of what is underneath. Components are made from elements of an existing space and then laid out to create a new scene. Certain components may be created through casting with fabric, while others may appear true to their original form but in unexpected locations. In highly adjusted cases an arrangement of components may completely conceal the underlying space, creating an entirely new environment. The finished image presents a point of view similar to a still-life, where the subject matter of the scene is rearranged and layered to appear as a single moment of composed masses.
Composite Studies
14.08.20 — dain susman
In this study, the covering of environments in a secondary material is about concealing an original form to raise the viewers interpretation of what is underneath. Components are made from elements of an existing space and then laid out to create a new scene. Certain components may be created through casting with fabric, while others may appear true to their original form but in unexpected locations. In highly adjusted cases an arrangement of components may completely conceal the underlying space, creating an entirely new environment. The finished image presents a point of view similar to a still-life, where the subject matter of the scene is rearranged and layered to appear as a single moment of composed masses.