Submission Photography

Characters Wanted

I was reading Business Insider article about Cory Johnson and Neil Kremer’s work and their process. It inspired me to listen to the people and try to share their stories with their own character that they chose to share with the world.

It's a great feeling to know about people and believe in our vision enough to give us their time. I am fortunate to have a long list of people who want to work with me for this project. I tried to know about some important questions. I just start writing the story through this question like Who? What? When? Where and WHY?WHY is a big one? There has to be a WHY. It’s actually titled Characters Wanted. It means What actual character in humans needs a platform to share their story with people. So, portraying people’s character in photograph give medium to share their story with same people they

Characters Wanted

I was reading Business Insider article about Cory Johnson and Neil Kremer’s work and their process. It inspired me to listen to the people and try to share their stories with their own character that they chose to share with the world.

It’s a great feeling to know about people and believe in our vision enough to give us their time. I am fortunate to have a long list of people who want to work with me for this project. I tried to know about some important questions. I just start writing the story through this question like Who? What? When? Where and WHY?WHY is a big one? There has to be a WHY. It’s actually titled Characters Wanted. It means What actual character in humans needs a platform to share their story with people. So, portraying people’s character in photograph give medium to share their story with same people they

Secret Email Club

If you’re not a member of our Secret Email Club you’ve been missing out on a whole lot of stuff that we don’t post on Booooooom!