Submission Collage

Chaotic forms

Inspired by rapid changes in the fashion industry, illustrators Josh Dominguez and Kate Gorbenko highlight a hybrid future between the real and digital escapism.

‘Combining our individual styles and remixing fashion photography, we aimed to highlight the growing change happening in the fashion industry, melding digital and traditional formats to create our vision of a hybrid future of fashion.’

Check @joshwaan and @katookato Instagram pages to see more.

Chaotic forms

Inspired by rapid changes in the fashion industry, illustrators Josh Dominguez and Kate Gorbenko highlight a hybrid future between the real and digital escapism.

‘Combining our individual styles and remixing fashion photography, we aimed to highlight the growing change happening in the fashion industry, melding digital and traditional formats to create our vision of a hybrid future of fashion.’

Check @joshwaan and @katookato Instagram pages to see more.

Secret Email Club

If you’re not a member of our Secret Email Club you’ve been missing out on a whole lot of stuff that we don’t post on Booooooom!