
Campus Dining

In response to the challenges faced by students with the campus food court experience during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, a revitalized branding and a new app have been introduced. These innovations aim to make the food court safer, more engaging, and more efficient. The refreshed branding features vibrant designs that capture the unique spirit of each restaurant within the food court. Additionally, the app has been upgraded with features specifically designed to address pandemic-related concerns, including designated physical wait zones to promote safe social distancing. Furthermore, in recognition of the students’ patience, rewards are offered following their waiting period. This comprehensive approach ensures a fulfilling and secure dining experience for all students.

Campus Dining

In response to the challenges faced by students with the campus food court experience during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, a revitalized branding and a new app have been introduced. These innovations aim to make the food court safer, more engaging, and more efficient. The refreshed branding features vibrant designs that capture the unique spirit of each restaurant within the food court. Additionally, the app has been upgraded with features specifically designed to address pandemic-related concerns, including designated physical wait zones to promote safe social distancing. Furthermore, in recognition of the students’ patience, rewards are offered following their waiting period. This comprehensive approach ensures a fulfilling and secure dining experience for all students.

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