Submission Photography

Camera Stories: Tanya Lee Raycroft

A camera story for me is this cheap Android, I dropped on the pavement at a rest area in Arizona, popping the hood of my car. I had never broke a phone before and I was so devastated but it still took photos.
A guy I thought was FINE, asked me to send a pic since I loved taking so many pictures (which I never I declined). Then I thought about it, what was the big deal? Why did I have such a stigma about my looks, what had happened in my life that gave me this issue? Why didn't I think I was beautiful? Was it relationships, childhood, society? Finally, after I had over thought this to craziness, I was going to take this damn picture. I took the photo in the mirror and his response to me was there weren't enough wrinkles. Wow, that one sentence was everything I needed to hear to fix me, Chris from the Eastside.

Camera Stories: Tanya Lee Raycroft

A camera story for me is this cheap Android, I dropped on the pavement at a rest area in Arizona, popping the hood of my car. I had never broke a phone before and I was so devastated but it still took photos.
A guy I thought was FINE, asked me to send a pic since I loved taking so many pictures (which I never do…so I declined). Then I thought about it, what was the big deal? Why did I have such a stigma about my looks, what had happened in my life that gave me this issue? Why didn’t I think I was beautiful? Was it relationships, childhood, society? Finally, after I had over thought this to craziness, I was going to take this damn picture. I took the photo in the mirror and his response to me was there weren’t enough wrinkles. Wow, that one sentence was everything I needed to hear to fix me, Chris from the Eastside.