Daniel LeMunyan is film maker and VFX artist with a focus on consciousness and mystic interpretations of world belief structures. In 2013, traveling to the Amazon Rain Forest, he took part in several ayahuasca rituals which later became the catalyst for artwork centered around the human consciousness. Eye of the Needle : An Ayahuasca Journey (2013) was LeMunyan's first short documentary film which chronicled his experience with Ayahuasca. He is currently in production on the second installment of the Calcine series titled Tikal.
C A L C I N E : The 7 Hermetic Principles
23.07.18 — dlemunyan
Daniel LeMunyan is film maker and VFX artist with a focus on consciousness and mystic interpretations of world belief structures. In 2013, traveling to the Amazon Rain Forest, he took part in several ayahuasca rituals which later became the catalyst for artwork centered around the human consciousness. Eye of the Needle : An Ayahuasca Journey (2013) was LeMunyan’s first short documentary film which chronicled his experience with Ayahuasca. He is currently in production on the second installment of the Calcine series titled Tikal.
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