Submission Painting

Brainless Oil Paintings

I had brain surgery last year due to epilepsy seizures and almost half of it was removed, now I can do even better Art than before, I still can't remember very much for along time with out going on the computer and finding words over and over again, when i start my paintings I can't remember the names of the things i paint but I know what they look like, so half of a brain must be better than one Lol 😂

Brainless Oil Paintings

I had brain surgery last year due to epilepsy seizures and almost half of it was removed, now I can do even better Art than before, I still can’t remember very much for along time with out going on the computer and finding words over and over again, when i start my paintings I can’t remember the names of the things i paint but I know what they look like, so half of a brain must be better than one Lol 😂