Having always been reflections of my journal writings, my work tells people with more sincerity than I could ever manage otherwise, about what I care for in that moment’s depiction. They explain my dreams and the things I love in a language inspired by the Pre-Raphaelites, drawing in images from history, mythology, narrative, and mysticism. As of late, my work has focused on missing identities, and the realms of their individual solitudes. I look to folklore for inspiration, with fairies, changelings, and elements of magic to explain the shift from one state into another. I like to think this process is seen and experienced through the painting, as one looks into the worlds laid before the viewer.
Blue Changeling
06.09.20 — Olivia Di Gregorio
Having always been reflections of my journal writings, my work tells people with more sincerity than I could ever manage otherwise, about what I care for in that moment’s depiction. They explain my dreams and the things I love in a language inspired by the Pre-Raphaelites, drawing in images from history, mythology, narrative, and mysticism. As of late, my work has focused on missing identities, and the realms of their individual solitudes. I look to folklore for inspiration, with fairies, changelings, and elements of magic to explain the shift from one state into another. I like to think this process is seen and experienced through the painting, as one looks into the worlds laid before the viewer.
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