Submission Painting Featured Submissions

Birth of Homer from the Rhythm of the Sea

Father of Epic Poetry, Ancient Greek poet Homer (c. 8th cen. BCE), and father of modern Western Literary tradition (according to, for instance, Harold Bloom) is reimagined here, based on a classic bust of the poet. Building on a thousands year old traditional of alluding to Homer (Virgil, Dante, Rembrandt, Ingres, Joyce), Vladimir Kraynyk keeps the Odyssey tradition alive. The title alludes to an expression by Russian poet K. Paustovsky, who suggested that the rhythm of Homer's dactylic poetry reflects the rhythms of Aegean Sea.

Birth of Homer from the Rhythm of the Sea

Father of Epic Poetry, Ancient Greek poet Homer (c. 8th cen. BCE), and father of modern Western Literary tradition (according to, for instance, Harold Bloom) is reimagined here, based on a classic bust of the poet. Building on a thousands year old traditional of alluding to Homer (Virgil, Dante, Rembrandt, Ingres, Joyce), Vladimir Kraynyk keeps the Odyssey tradition alive. The title alludes to an expression by Russian poet K. Paustovsky, who suggested that the rhythm of Homer’s dactylic poetry reflects the rhythms of Aegean Sea.