Submission Photography

Bird in Hand

Bird banding is an important technique for studying and identifying birds. To identify and track them, scientists first use mist nests to capture birds, and once collected, put unique aluminum bands on the birds' legs. For this series I worked with Birds Canada at the Long Point Bird Observatory. Renowned for migrating bird concentrations, it remains Canada’s most productive bird banding station, having banded 1,072,981 birds across 296 species since 1960. I'm drawn to bird banders not just for their bird care but also for the human connection they establish with each bird, driven by curiosity and compassion.

Bird in Hand

Bird banding is an important technique for studying and identifying birds. To identify and track them, scientists first use mist nests to capture birds, and once collected, put unique aluminum bands on the birds’ legs. For this series I worked with Birds Canada at the Long Point Bird Observatory. Renowned for migrating bird concentrations, it remains Canada’s most productive bird banding station, having banded 1,072,981 birds across 296 species since 1960. I’m drawn to bird banders not just for their bird care but also for the human connection they establish with each bird, driven by curiosity and compassion.