Submission Illustration

Beyond Economic Repair

Summer 2004, I had just graduated. Drawn by the bright lights and the music and arts scene I left Scotland and moved to London. My aim, to set up a t-shirt label. It didn't pay the bills at first so I took on a part time job selling mobile phones.

I didn't enjoy it. I wasn't very helpful to customers. I didn't take it seriously. Since then my phone karma has been terrible. I break them, I lose them, I wrack up huge bills, I only get reception by the window in the studio.

Summer 2017, I've just dropped another phone, I'm holding it in my hand forlornly looking at the now smashed screen, tying to think - 3 months? 4 months? How long had this guy lasted? Another phone was destined for the drawer of broken phones.

I had been working on a series of illustrations of people using their phones when suddenly it occurred to me, what

Beyond Economic Repair

Summer 2004, I had just graduated. Drawn by the bright lights and the music and arts scene I left Scotland and moved to London. My aim, to set up a t-shirt label. It didn’t pay the bills at first so I took on a part time job selling mobile phones.

I didn’t enjoy it. I wasn’t very helpful to customers. I didn’t take it seriously. Since then my phone karma has been terrible. I break them, I lose them, I wrack up huge bills, I only get reception by the window in the studio.

Summer 2017, I’ve just dropped another phone, I’m holding it in my hand forlornly looking at the now smashed screen, tying to think – 3 months? 4 months? How long had this guy lasted? Another phone was destined for the drawer of broken phones.

I had been working on a series of illustrations of people using their phones when suddenly it occurred to me, what