Submission Painting

Atmospheric Series-Conan Zhao

During college, I spent a year at Marchutz School of Art (Aix-en-Provence, France), where I discovered the rich history of art and philosophies. I am heavily influenced by masters like Hokusai, Rembrandt, Turner, Daumier, and later American Illustration artist, Bernie Fuchs—from whom I obsessively seek guidance on the relationship of light, color, composition, and execution by tirelessly studying their works.

I like to paint moments, rather than subject matters. Art taught me to appreciate the transient nature of life, and acknowledge the fleeting quality of everything that is beautiful and everything that is not beautiful. My art is a reflection of my seeking and achieving harmony from imbalance; it’s an expression of melancholy with which I face my past and present.

Atmospheric Series-Conan Zhao

During college, I spent a year at Marchutz School of Art (Aix-en-Provence, France), where I discovered the rich history of art and philosophies. I am heavily influenced by masters like Hokusai, Rembrandt, Turner, Daumier, and later American Illustration artist, Bernie Fuchs—from whom I obsessively seek guidance on the relationship of light, color, composition, and execution by tirelessly studying their works.

I like to paint moments, rather than subject matters. Art taught me to appreciate the transient nature of life, and acknowledge the fleeting quality of everything that is beautiful and everything that is not beautiful. My art is a reflection of my seeking and achieving harmony from imbalance; it’s an expression of melancholy with which I face my past and present.