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As Long As You Keep Your Eyes Open Wide

This landscape project delves into the unintentional links we make between places and memories. What is the relevance of unfamiliar landscapes to my own personal history? We as individuals might feel attracted to those sights which bring remembrance and hence are tinted by some familiarity, representing those spaces present in our memories. I want to explore the idea that we can feel a pull from a place we have never been before; upon first encountering it, it is like a recollection, a feeling of familiarity. By photographing places unfamiliar to me alongside those of an intimate nature, this series aims to be both personal and universal, both vague and incredibly specific, and most of all, extrospective and self-contemplative, all at the same time.

As Long As You Keep Your Eyes Open Wide

This landscape project delves into the unintentional links we make between places and memories. What is the relevance of unfamiliar landscapes to my own personal history? We as individuals might feel attracted to those sights which bring remembrance and hence are tinted by some familiarity, representing those spaces present in our memories. I want to explore the idea that we can feel a pull from a place we have never been before; upon first encountering it, it is like a recollection, a feeling of familiarity. By photographing places unfamiliar to me alongside those of an intimate nature, this series aims to be both personal and universal, both vague and incredibly specific, and most of all, extrospective and self-contemplative, all at the same time.