Submission Painting

Art that takes you (and me) out of your comfort zone

Provoking insight and change through art, my Street Art paintings take you (and me) out of your comfort zone to explore the world and confront the status quo. I use the industrial look of street art, icons and symbols to start a conversation about politics, health & nutrition, sustainability, and climate change.

From 'We've got them dancing to our tunes', the result from a 24 hour art challenge in Miami with (t)here Magazine, inspired by 'Fake News' to 'Beef is King' that explores the environmental cost of conventionally produced beef. Pictures speak louder than words!

Art that takes you (and me) out of your comfort zone

Provoking insight and change through art, my Street Art paintings take you (and me) out of your comfort zone to explore the world and confront the status quo. I use the industrial look of street art, icons and symbols to start a conversation about politics, health & nutrition, sustainability, and climate change.

From ‘We’ve got them dancing to our tunes’, the result from a 24 hour art challenge in Miami with (t)here Magazine, inspired by ‘Fake News’ to ‘Beef is King’ that explores the environmental cost of conventionally produced beef. Pictures speak louder than words!