Submission Illustration

Art and Social responsibility

First time I have ever painted Someone with this skin colour which literally says it all, it won’t apply to everyone but personally as a creative I think it’s important to look at problems in the industry that you’re in and if you feel like it needs attention and to change then to at least try. Hearing stories from visiting lectures that their characters have been ‘made lighter’ by art directors shows a serious problem within the industry as nothing good comes from that other than leading to all kinds of people being underrepresented in a multiethnic society where we all exist. I think it goes further than just that. Art in most cases is an imitation of reality, and currently we live in a multicultural and multiethnic world so its important to represent the truth. Where I live in manchester there a

Art and Social responsibility

First time I have ever painted Someone with this skin colour which literally says it all, it won’t apply to everyone but personally as a creative I think it’s important to look at problems in the industry that you’re in and if you feel like it needs attention and to change then to at least try. Hearing stories from visiting lectures that their characters have been ‘made lighter’ by art directors shows a serious problem within the industry as nothing good comes from that other than leading to all kinds of people being underrepresented in a multiethnic society where we all exist. I think it goes further than just that. Art in most cases is an imitation of reality, and currently we live in a multicultural and multiethnic world so its important to represent the truth. Where I live in manchester there a