Submission Photography

Arcana – Strength

Understanding Tarot as a philosophical tool to make connections with inner and surroundings... Is a complex task. This... is the beginning itself of a Photographic Oracle.
STRENGTH- as the first Arcane to be developed in this Scenic Photographic Sequence. To be conscious of force by means of vulnerability...
Photography and Artistic Direction: María Laura Barrios- @resenartemlaura.
In this opportunity, I´ve had the pleasure to work with talented Venezuelan Scenic World Actresses and Actors, sucha as: Laura Gardié @lagardie (Performing the Strength)... Elis Blanco @elisitabj, Diego Abreu @dinicoabrecal, Audelis Ramírez @audelizramirez, Victor Littinger @victorlittinger, Mary Duartte @maryduartte7 and Pedro Díaz @nosoyunaplanta (Performing the Fears)

Arcana – Strength

Understanding Tarot as a philosophical tool to make connections with inner and surroundings… Is a complex task. This… is the beginning itself of a Photographic Oracle.
STRENGTH- as the first Arcane to be developed in this Scenic Photographic Sequence. To be conscious of force by means of vulnerability…
Photography and Artistic Direction: María Laura Barrios- @resenartemlaura.
In this opportunity, I´ve had the pleasure to work with talented Venezuelan Scenic World Actresses and Actors, sucha as: Laura Gardié @lagardie (Performing the Strength)… Elis Blanco @elisitabj, Diego Abreu @dinicoabrecal, Audelis Ramírez @audelizramirez, Victor Littinger @victorlittinger, Mary Duartte @maryduartte7 and Pedro Díaz @nosoyunaplanta (Performing the Fears)